The Modern C# Challenge
Rod Stephens更新时间:2021-08-13 15:24:33
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The Modern C# Challenge
Packt Upsell
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1. Statistical functions
2. Permutations
3. Combinations
4. Factorials
5. Fibonacci numbers
6. Binomial coefficients
7. Pascal's triangle
8. Greatest common divisors
9. Least common multiples
10. Sums of multiples
11. Primality testing
12. Prime table
13. Prime factors
14. Unique prime factors
15. Prime tuples
16. Proper divisors
17. Amicable numbers
18. Perfect numbers
19. Armstrong numbers
1. Statistical functions
2. Permutations
3. Combinations
4. Factorials
5. Fibonacci numbers
6. Binomial coefficients
7. Pascal's triangle
8. Greatest common divisors
9. Least common multiples
10. Sums of multiples
11. Primality testing
12. Prime table
13. Prime factors
14. Unique prime factors
15. Prime tuples
16. Proper divisors
17. Amicable numbers
18. Perfect numbers
19. Armstrong numbers
20. Monte Carlo π
21. Newton's π
22. Bisection root-finding
23. Newton's method
24. Gaussian elimination
25. Monte Carlo integration
26. Rectangle rule integration
27. Trapezoid rule integration
28. Arrowheads
29. Line-line intersection
30. Point-line distance
31. Point-segment distance
32. Segment-segment distance
33. Circle selection
34. Line-circle intersection
35. Circle-circle intersection
36. Circle-line tangents
37. Polygon area
38. Point in a polygon
39. Convexity testing
40. Stars
20. Monte Carlo π
21. Newton's π
22. Bisection root-finding
23. Newton's method
24. Gaussian elimination
25. Monte Carlo integration
26. Rectangle rule integration
27. Trapezoid rule integration
28. Arrowheads
29. Line-line intersection
30. Point-line distance
31. Point-segment distance
32. Segment-segment distance
33. Circle selection
34. Line-circle intersection
35. Circle-circle intersection
36. Circle-line tangents
37. Polygon area
38. Point in a polygon
39. Convexity testing
40. Stars
Dates and Times
41. Days of the week
42. Date and time picker
43. Time zone chart
44. Scheduling meetings
45. Time zone clocks
46. Local time zone clocks
47. Calculating duration
48. Calculating age
41. Days of the week
42. Date and time picker
43. Time zone chart
44. Scheduling meetings
45. Time zone clocks
46. Local time zone clocks
47. Calculating duration
48. Calculating age
49. Random doubles
50. Random items
51. Randomize items
52. Random groups
53. Choose items with probabilities
54. Random passwords
55. Random walks
49. Random doubles
50. Random items
51. Randomize items
52. Random groups
53. Choose items with probabilities
54. Random passwords
55. Random walks
56. Roman numerals
57. Bytes to hex
58. Removing punctuation
59. Palindromic substrings
60. Validating passwords
61. Edit distance
62. Soundex
63. Longest common substring
56. Roman numerals
57. Bytes to hex
58. Removing punctuation
59. Palindromic substrings
60. Validating passwords
61. Edit distance
62. Soundex
63. Longest common substring
Files and Directories
64. Removing blank lines
65. Directory size
66. Finding duplicate files
67. Thumbnails
68. Thumbnail web page
69. Find files
70. Find and Replace
71. Saving images
72. Compressing images
64. Removing blank lines
65. Directory size
66. Finding duplicate files
67. Thumbnails
68. Thumbnail web page
69. Find files
70. Find and Replace
71. Saving images
72. Compressing images
Advanced C# and .NET Features
73. Directory size LINQ style
74. Directory size PLINQ style
75. Find files LINQ style
76. Parallel primes table
77. Parallel prime tuples
78. Parallel Monte Carlo π
79. Yielding primes
80. Yielding Fibonacci numbers
81. Complex numbers
73. Directory size LINQ style
74. Directory size PLINQ style
75. Find files LINQ style
76. Parallel primes table
77. Parallel primes tuple
78. Parallel Monte Carlo π
79. Yielding primes
80. Yielding Fibonacci numbers
81. Complex numbers
82. Dawkins' weasel
83. Hailstone sequence
84. Hailstone sequence Redux
85. Langton's Ant
86. Life
87. Sharks and Fish
88. Slingshot
89. Slingshot refinements
90. Space Force
82. Dawkins' weasel
83. Hailstone sequence
84. Hailstone Sequence Redux
85. Langton's Ant
86. Life
87. Sharks and Fish
88. Slingshot
Projectile motion
Example solution
89. Slingshot refinements
90. Space Force
Sprite classes
Keyboard events
Other details
91. Caesar cipher
92. Vigenère cipher
93. Cryptographic pseudorandom numbers
94. Primality testing redux
95. Find primes
96. Hash files
97. Steganography
98. Encrypt and decrypt strings
99. Encrypt and decrypt files
100. CryptoPad
91. Caesar cipher
92. Vigenère cipher
93. Cryptographic random numbers
94. Primality testing redux
95. Find primes
96. Hash files
97. Steganography
98. Encrypt and decrypt strings
99. Encrypt and decrypt files
100. CryptoPad
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更新时间:2021-08-13 15:24:33