- 中国知识产权法律发展研究:基于维护国家经济安全的视角
- 王振宇
- 380字
- 2018-12-12 10:41:19
In contemporary knowledge economy globalization, knowledges, systems and economic securities of developing countries are facing huge threats. China is also experiencing severe problems, for example, knowledge resources have been in-fringed, the intellectual property system has been sued to the DSU and severely effected the national economic security.
This monograph is based on Chinese intellectual property legal developments, taking the perspective of economics and law intersect, look in-depth at new situa-tions and problems of China's intellectual property rights under the new environ-ment. This book explores the establishment of new order of intellectual property in the world, the risks faced by intellectual property and its legal system, the interna-tional intellectual property regime of exceptions and negotiation mechanisms, learn-ing from foreign intellectual property security system, security system arrangement of intellectual property law, and the formalation and implementation of economic security development strategies of intellectual property in China.
The conclusions of the book are: the objective of China's intellectual property law development is to establish a new order of intellectual property in the world, the focus is to create and use the international intellectual property regime of excep-tions, establish the risk prevention mechanism of property rights, and create the state intellectual property economic security systems.
The innovations of the monograph are: Firstly, new perspective:“security”as the core, from the new perspective of legal development and economic security. Secondly, security-oriented and compass natural legal philosophy, law and eco-nomics, world economics and other disciplines, and adopt the empirical research method of intellectual property risk assessment index system. Thirdly, the concept of establishing a fair, efficient and balanced new order of world knowledge proper-ty was first proposed in the academic community. Fourthly, proposing to create the three systems of intellectual property in China's economic security, highlighting the development of national intellectual property security of the Basic Law, the'es-tablishment of new countermeasures to improve the comparative advantages of tra-ditional knowledge and other intellectual property laws.
Prospects for future research: broader and deeper interdisciplinary research; green intellectual property research and case studies in medicine; negotiations on intellectual property issues WTO Doha Development Round, follow-up study of China's intellectual property strategy implementation process; establishment and empirical analysis of China's Intellectual Property Indicators System; more scientific proof of the conclusions and new concepts of the book as well.