Creating a Nav Link Proxy

To connect two regions with a link, we need to go to the Mode panel in the All Classes tab and select Nav Link Proxyas shown in the following screenshot:

Alternatively, you can search for it in the Modes panel to find it more quickly:

Once the link has been placed in the level, you will see an "arrow/link", and you will be able to modify the start and end points of the link. They are called Left and Right, and the easiest way to set their location is by dragging (and placing) them in the Viewport. As a result, you will be able to connect two different parts of the Nav Mesh. As we can see in the following screenshot, if the Nav Mesh is visible (enabled with the P key), you will see an arrow connecting the Right and Left nodes. This arrow is pointing in both directions. This will result in the link being bidirectional:

You might notice that there are two arrows, one with a darker shade of green. Also, this second arro w/arc/link might not be exactly where you placed your Right end, but rather attached to the Nav Mesh. You can see this second arrow more clearly in the following screenshot:

This is actually how the Nav Mesh is connected, due to the Projection Settings of the Link. We will explore this setting in the next section.

If you want to make the link go only in one direction, we can change this setting in the Details Panel. However, to explore these settings, we first need to understand that there are two different types of Links: Simple and Smart.