The MVC flow

In a very basic MVC workflow, when a user interacts with our application, the steps in the following screenshot are performed. Imagine a simple web application about books, with a search input field. When the user types a book name and presses Enter, the following flow cycle will occur:

MVC flow

The MVC is represented by the following folders and files:

MVC Architecture            Application Path                        File
Model            app/                        User.php
View            resources/views                        welcome.blade.php
Controller            app/Http/Controllers                        Auth/AuthController.php


Note that the application models are at the root of the app folder, and the application already has at least one file for MVC implementation.

Also note that the app folder contains all of the core files for our application. The other folders have very intuitive names, such as the following:


Now, let's see how things work in the Laravel structure.