Focus on continuous improvement

In line with a willingness to experiment, a person with an agility-oriented mindset is always thinking about continuous improvement. The person believes that small improvements made over a period of time do lead to major improvements. The person is capable of observing anti-patterns in processes and practices and is willing to call those out in the early stages (the "smell" stage). While retrospectives and visual indicators provide excellent clues to anti-patterns, the person has the ability to take a step back and look at the situation objectively.

A by-product of this mindset is that the person is always seeking opportunities to get feedback and as early as possible. Continuous learning is also an essential element of continuous improvement. The person has the intrinsic desire to get better at their respective craft and gain mastery in their field. This would reflect in people investing time in reading about new trends and advancements in their respective fields, attending conferences, publishing blogs and books, and, most importantly, sharing the learnings within their respective communities, both internally and externally.