
  1. What does AAA stand for?
    1. Authority
    2. Authorization
    3. Auditing
    4. Authentication
    5. Accounting
  1. What are the two most common AAA protocols?
    1. TCP/IP
    2. RADIUS
    3. TACACS+
    4. PPP
  1. An attack which attempts to make targeted systems unavailable to its intended users is called:
    1. Denial-of-Service attack
    2. Slow read attack
    3. Spoofed attack
    4. Starvation attack
  1. Which of the following is not an attack, but a tool which searches for available services to identify vulnerabilities in order to attack a given target?
    1. Denial-of-Service
    2. Port scanning
    3. Memory access violation
    4. Dumpster ping