第1章 组织学实验方法
Chapter 1 Histological experimental method


Fig.1-1 显微镜 Microscope

1.目镜 eyepiece

2.物镜转换器 nose piece

3.物镜 objective lens

4.粗调旋钮 coarse focus

5.微调旋钮 fine focus

6.载物台 stage

7.光源 light source

8.光阑和聚光器 iris diaphragm and condenser lens

9.推进器 coaxial stage controls


2.将显微镜轻轻地移至观察者的前方,使镜座的后缘距实验台边缘大约10 cm。












观察切片的步骤 应养成由肉眼到低倍,再到高倍,系统观察标本的习惯。先要了解标本的取材部位、制片方法、切片方位和染色方法,再从宏观到微观,由浅入深逐步观察组织、细胞的微细结构。在掌握组织、细胞光镜结构的基础上,可结合观察某些细胞或结构的电镜照片,并联系机能融会贯通深入理解。

正确理解切片的立体形象 人体结构极为复杂,就同一个器官或细胞来说,所切的部位不同或者所切的方向不同,则切片所显示的物像就不相同。


切片中的人为现象 在切片中出现的一些人为假象,并非组织结构,应予鉴别:①刀痕:因切片刀锋有缺口造成组织标本纵行刀痕。②裂纹:组织透明、浸蜡的时间过长,组织脆硬,切片时可引起组织裂开,呈不规则裂纹。在制片过程中,由于组织或细胞各部分结构的收缩不一致,或贴片时水温过高,也可导致某些人为裂隙。③皱褶:贴片时组织未充分展平。④气泡:封片时将少许空气封入切片树胶中。⑤异留物:如染色时残留的染料沉渣等。

I. How to use a microscope to examine the slides

Step 1. Locate each part of your microscope according to the above image.

Step 2. Check the glass slides in the box and inform the teacher if there is any one broken or missing.

Step 3. Procedure for examination of the slides using the microscope

A. Gently move the microscope towards you,keeping the distance of about 10 cm between the rim of microscope base and your bench edge.

B. Turn on the power switch,make sure that your light source is functioning,and ensure that the lens nosepiece is rotated properly and the 10X objective lens is fixed.

C. Hold the slide up and examine it first with the naked eye to get an overview of the tissue size,shape and placement on the slide.

D. Put the slide on the stage and fasten it with the stage clip.

E. Look at the stage from the side and turn the coarse focus knob so that the stage goes upward. Move it as close as possible to the objective lens,without touching it!

F. Now,look through the eyepiece,meanwhile turn the coarse knob so that the stage moves away from the objective lens. Continue until the image comes into focus. Then use the fine knob for fine focusing.

G. Move the interesting image in the center of the field of view,then change to the 40X objective lens for further observation.

II. How to examine and understand microscopic images

Tips for examination:

1.Observe the section with naked eyes first for orientation and then at the lower magnification,and increasingly higher magnifications.

2.Be familiar with the sampling site and staining method,which is helpful in understanding the structure.

3.Electron micrograph available in the lab is valuable in connecting the morphology with function of some cells and tissues.

Transition from 3D to 2D:

When viewing a histological sample or specimen,you have to bear in mind that the tissue has been reduced from being three-dimensional to two-dimensional. You are no longer viewing a full specimen or even the exterior of a specimen,but rather a sliver of tissue taken from a specimen.

The following diagrams demonstrate various sectional shapes of a tissue sample cut from different orientations.


Be aware that each step of tissue preparation introduces artifacts by altering or distorting the natural appearance of cells. Artifacts in slides may result from improper fixation and dehydration,paraffin infiltration,and poor microtome sectioning.

1.Bubbles:The air is sucked in under the coverslip when the mounting media is too thin or dries off.

2.Black precipitates:Formalin-heme pigment forms when the formalin buffer is exhausted and the tissue becomes acidic.

3.Ripples and wrinkles:They can be introduced during cutting and handling of sections when the tissue section stretches unevenly around structures of differing consistencies.

4.Scratches and “chatter”:Scratches are caused by flaws or dirt on the cutting edge, and appear as straight slashes or ragged tears across the specimen.“Chatter” is the visible record of knife vibration. The process of slicing sometimes induces vibrations in the knife edge,which then cause variations in thickness in the section. These appear as narrow parallel bands,usually evenly spaced,across a tissue specimen.

Fig.1-2 鸡蛋的各种断面 sections of an egg

Fig.1-3 辐射状排列的细胞群的各种断面 sections of the radiate shaped cell clusters

Fig.1-4 弓形管状结构的各种断面 sectional shapes of arched tubular frame

Fig.1-5 管状器官的各种断面 sectional shapes of tubular organs

Fig.1-6 束形器官的各种断面 sectional shapes of bunched organs